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summer program
application instructions

Please answer following questions and send a PDF file to Ken Rheingans, ministry director at 

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call him at (414) 807 - 3193. 


We will continue accepting applications beginning October 1st through the spring until all 10 positions are filled, but to ensure consideration, it is best to apply as soon as possible.


Personal Information




Home church*

College & Major/Degree*



Internships, church participation, volunteer work, etc.

Please give dates, organization, location of each.



1. Pastoral (leader in a worship community)

2. Work* (preferred)

3. Personal (not a relative)

Provide name, contact information and relationship of each one.



1. How did you find out about the program?

2. Describe something in your life that has affected your faith.
How did you see God at work in the process?

3. What meaning does Jesus Christ have in your life?

4. Briefly outline your goals and hopes for the program.

5. What are you passionate about?


Essay (no more than 2,000 words)

Describe your faith journey, including the most significant people and experiences and what God is doing in your life today.



Note: Applicants will need to provide consent for a background check.


* not required

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